2004 /匈牙利 /剧情 历史 /127分钟
主演: JanNowicki GyrgyCserhalmi MariannaMoór JanFrycz PálMácsai Lukasz Nowicki 泰丽·托尔道伊 莱文特·特尔克伊 Tamás Pintér 帕尔·马可赛 扬·诺维茨基 Marianna Moór 阿伦·奥泽 索博茨·贝德·法泽卡什 Zoltán Csankó
导演: Márta Mészáros
上映时间: 2004-10-21
剧情简介 : Imre Nagy led Hungary's 1956 revolution and was executed after its defeat. His name remained taboo for some 30 years, his political activity the subject of controversy and heated debate – up until his complete personal rehabilitation and that of his political legacy. THE UNBURIED MAN was among the first gestures to pay tribute to him and grant him a public “appearance”. The fil...